Blow a fucking bubble
With my chewed gum soul
Tell me again why
My ears ring an
Ancient wash tub
Beat in West Coast
Rap syncopation
Take another bite
Of my worm-tunnel apple
Tell me again how
It felt on my
First drunk when Satan
Made me cum
Carve a another pound
With your fresh stropped razor wit
Gobble it whole like
The glutton you say I am
Tell me I need salt…
Shank another hole
In my sun weathered skin
Tell about these evil tattoos
Let me vacuum up my crumbs
Feed them to the coyotes
Howling in my soul,
Under my new moon mood,
In the twilight haze of
Your precious pious words.
*Big shout out to Angela James for helping me polish this one!
JD CLAPP is based in San Diego, CA. His recent work has appeared in Cowboy Jamboree, Punk Noir, Revolution John, and Bristol Noir. His poetry chapbook, Underbelly:Grit Poems (Alien Buddha Press) will be released next month.