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Dead Love Grief / Anthony Gedell

Long past due

One final note

Instead a long poem is at hand

Read roaming the country to every audience with her name on it 

The way Milton chose his stage

Consider it one long story

Even the ghost light is dying 

Because there is a devil in carnet 

Nothing left but trouble 

That blonde hair that always seemed more yellow

Behold the man, he is anxious, on the verge of cataclysmic demise

Skipping literary semantics

He put it blunt for a second 

Told her she was a heartless piece of shit

A thing he felt to be just ruined pussy

Body pillaged with demonical graffiti

He had felt guilty about it 

Was not proud of this

He’s fragile, panicked, and broken

On the precipice of ruin

The setting is a desert of darkness 

Where the sun has gone out, every lover and friend a mirage 

Considers sweating and shaking if there’s more cum than blood pumping

Quite aware this is his annihilation 

But to think

If only they still burned the witch

He doesn’t think he’ll live through this

Welcomed her fangs 

Snake bit 

Couldn’t seem to get back to his feet

The venom ran deep inside his cowardice 

Unbearable and terrible 

Holding on to faith only to pray for Judgment day

And he was finally sure yeah he’d have that drink 

She wanted a book dedicated to her

He means to name the whole thing Katie Lynn, Dead to Sin

A legend passed on

Malkina confessing her sexual acts to the priest 

That it was all that they think, women

It becomes his complaint, his disdain

Everything wilting 

While she never cared, made him feel useless  

If heaven is a myth and this is it hell isn’t and she put him through it  

To immortalize such a wretchedness 

Seemed a great sin to him 

In the long dark night of the soul there was nothing eternal 

Even Eve didn’t live forever the way she desecrated the garden 

She is her twin sister 

Bonded kin just rattling along this desecration

All the whores trample the Earth 

God give him an escape 

Funny how she shared a name 

With the villain from East of Eden

All south bound now 

He’d teach young men cautionary tales about snares like that, to think she’d be in the same position 

Lord help them

Worthy background checks would reveal she’d be the one to sleep with her students

Her cravings, leaves her silent and frozen  

She made her seem less intimidating

Should’ve known the moment he met her 

Just this derogatory feline spitting on everything

The worst can be said about him  

All these bad beats and first kisses are the same 

When you are consumed by fire everyone will be laughing and copulating 

One big Bosch painting

Nothing but poisoned fruit 

Satan’s ragged sluts

Plunged like public toilets 

To watch the metamorphosis 

Shown an inhumanity 

That changed him

Will be there in the end 

As people keep turning 

Only to applaud this incoming suffering

Just watch, you’ll be skinned alive

There’s a reason no one stays 

Shed, the snake will evolve, a body without identity

It was the longest summer he’d ever seen, everything burning

She turned and came for it all relentlessly 

Questioning what he did wrong, what happened, begging for mercy

Losing hair, not getting much sleep, barely eating

The flood was coming and healing saves impossibilities  

He would hang exit signs and north pointing arrows  

Avoid them at all costs 

The neglect and the abusive derangements 

Promiscuous, hundred percent off hooker 

Made a real Monk out of him never to speak another word to her in this bleak world

No spite all pity, but this was his loss and depletion 

She speaks in tongues 

He meant an analogy about that alley as a warning

Tread lightly, karmic circles dilate her murderous pupils

Made sick but he would probably still pray for this 

From here on out he took his life back 

To conduct the inevitable suicide 

Along with his pride

Combatting leviathan 

What a waste of time that he will never ever get back 

For what it’s worth if she was dying he wouldn’t save her

He knew what he said and what was really meant 

In contradictory seeking toward some closure  

Failsafe words and insecurities 

She is yours and she is ripe for the taking

Bow to the power

Fall to your knees 

Beg to your serpents 

Dead on your feet 

Everything takes the shape of a gun held to his head patiently 

The fuel gauge in his beater revealing even suicidal imagery 

Did she find satisfaction in ruining his life?

Reduced and recovering shortchange 

His hate for her 

Will forever run true

She reminds him of surrendered cathedrals 

All the terrible character’s embodied in her 

What have we become?

He’s dying lonely and slowly 

Makes him feel he’s pathetic for not leaving 

Treated worse than a dog, disrespected, beat down, curb stomped

With nothing to do but throw his hands up 

A lonesome defeat 

In the face of devastation 

She danced over his bones 

Returning to the only thing she’s good for

Not having an understanding 

Of having it ripped from under his feet

They used to premeditate things to talk to one another about, often writing them down

In those nervous days

Then she just stopped listening

A million letters burning 

How could it have been only fool’s gold?

He won’t remember her as an old friend 

But a mortal enemy

That has shown him new philosophies of indecency 

Body a living poster of anemia

Tranquil in the way of unlived given away comatose states

To her own meaningless life full of bodies and devoid of spirit 

Footsteps among her own remains

She started over and found herself in a ditch

An addict of some other kind, it runs in the family 

Funny how we steal our own lives and intents and purposes

Rendering this so-called journey useless, only one night stand conviction 

Her father would be so proud

This wasteland full of stimulants and stillness

Here’s to suggesting the bullet

A lady from the past today

Cried when he told her about what she did 

Said she could not believe 

That he had not found a goddess 

Being a catch

A mysterious man

She could not refuse 

They were both confused

Something like 9/11 hearts 

These mumbling aggressions 

He told her he found the opposite and deserved it and quite honestly had the latter and vandalized it 

Godlessness and wickedness 

Those sick agitations 

He hoped Denis was wrong 

And it will all not be saved 

A wedding at the wake 

All they’d ever owned were endings 

Wishing to hate it all away 

Her grotesque heart and disillusionments

People incapable of guilt wreaking havoc 

To be in her company, he wishes she took those suicide letters she wrote as a kid seriously

Which is obviously dramatism

To reduce these feelings upon a worthless trade 

Entire generations spent busybodied happiness sex machines to feel alive

Found only ever in the heat of another man’s eyes 

Just to see the demise 

Her torpid skin 

Reminiscence the parents

Who showed him how not to love

And to drink and be sick and never change 

Everybody has absolutely lost it, save the date, doomed imbeciles 

Educated him on where to forgive left only looking for deeds, each one a debt

Landed on a line 

Honor thy mother and father 

But it feels like witnessing something worse than true horror

Way beyond halfway to fiery lands of reckoning  

Those two last names, his and hers

Will war in hell 

Sitting isolated in that pub knowing that there just might not be anyone

Eating oysters alone in the corner of the room

Having just looked at the ocean again and wondering how he and it were both so blue

Sleeping that night under the pier waking to that loan ashy cloud swirling about the entire sky

Soft burnt smoky pink igniting cavities in bursts

A temporary peace washed over him, frail and unpromising 

Something she’d been looking for falling back on what burdened her before

Rid of her for the first time  

But never spared and it all came barreling back down again  

Trying to formulate a solution to his own life

Bathed in red lights 

Thinking about giving up women for a year

How this whole thing was her idea 

And the futility to it she lay bare

Obliterated body, mind, and spirit

Disjointed from reality  

Rendering her own growth impossible 

He really thought this through 

Particular with his words and flesh

She was the worst person he ever knew in this mass grave of catatonic states

The white knight has fallen 

Ought to be ashamed

But he knows they wouldn't

Keeper of lost souls

Murdered a man

Gave him the shakes 

At a time you wouldn’t believe, everybody just yelling

Blood on her hands

He’d make her a special project of his

Something like Yates did only more prescient 

Their pulses are apocalyptic 

Found a way to that fuck you money 

It will cost him his pride he’s been fumbling

Hard to survive, he’d give the deed of it everything 

He needs to get his honor back

Roaming those abandoned streets the other day backtracking to where he crossed her path felt like a dream state without fortification and incendiary 

Something ominous conjured up, a lingering presence

Hunting wild beasts, it was all so bright

Everybody seemed pinned to that place in desperate plight

The people barely upright, frozen and aged a thousand years, deformed and plagued by illnesses

Their eyes were no longer committed to their own hearts or minds  

If only he could go back in time and assassinate the man who fell for it 

Dealing with her in every reoccurrence terrifies him of his own eternity 

He never wanted the house and just needed the guillotine 

Future on your back and trampling or in a grave, even the kids have such a fate 

She has nothing to educate

The teacher with no books and without character or trade

Devoid of knowledge, without a name, wisdom only in flesh 

Public school lampshade 

Not far off from the active shooter

She might just be offered up to him

What she did, this was a rape

Let’s cut the theatrics here

This country is unwell 

She is shameless, pathetic, gross, and evil

A graceful stupidity ambivalence 

The summer the book came out no one cared

She saw the strife to the success every step 

Only to diminish it and offer herself up like a conjuring 

About as interesting as a slug

It’s why he came to just laugh at this

Even started to fall in love, but beyond that, an omen 

Never again 

He has become indifferent, it is dead, anything else is deception 

Felt like battery acid in the brain

Everything from the stress and the pain

Like Marshal Mathers said

‘I hope you fucking burn in hell for this shit’

Never to wish death on anyone

Even those as vile and despicable 

So here we are

This one probably shouldn’t publish 

He has concluded this life

Over each heartbeat shows the uselessness of each one of you as he regresses to his big departure he’d only been evading

Spending time with other women 

He knows the company she keeps ain’t better than him aware of his many deficiencies

What she deprived him of just being with one of them

Things to say, a maturity and intelligence, smooth to the touch

Not something integrated with 

His innards all over the bedroom

Wouldn’t stop her from ceasing her cold dark cave

Lathering herself in it 

This silhouette is something close to subhuman

He respects fascistic regimes more than 

She’s taken deeper migrations even 

To anyone reading this 

Upon this literary sublunar ghetto  

Wondering where he draws his inspiration 

It is from a girl he once loved who devolved and died upon this great worldwide slippage 

Walking amongst us

With magnificent sclerosis 

Journey bound to any room

Wondering who is more self-destructive

This could have been different before she turned cruel 

They could have done just as she said and been separate and he would come back to her

But she was senseless 

Oblivious to what she’s done

Like a soldier taking on mortars or losing limbs crying out for his mother

She had him at last do the same, back into the eye of the storm and those draconian bluffs

This terrible entity has given him PTSD

That he is afraid only death can release  

With the fear of the ultimate inevitable fate 

Of seeing her again

Strong suspicion that he will continue to grow but this time these trials and tribulations feel unending and fatal

He’s scared to death and alone 

Searching for a righteous path of nobility, decency, and honesty

Certain successes defined by maniacal neurotic laughing

Those looks, staring at him guffawing in all that grieving  

Reminded of Trask doubling back in that book she says she loves but fails to understand or remember much from 

He returns to the demon of her name, witness to her incorporeal being 

Looking down on her deride  

Like another writer once said 

Evil can be laughed from existence 

The windows down and the sun on his face

Driving away from her soon knowing what he will find if all roads led back to her 

Her ordinary meagerness

She’d be just fine and multiplied 

He leaves behind notes of freedom along those winding trails

Now commenced how long he’d be able to lie to himself  

The labyrinth is hers 

Turning, turning, turning

It is hers

Queen of the dark and the quiet 

He still prays for her soul

Nobody does his own 

May God forgive her

Because he just might won’t

Knowing his regret 

Wishing he could just go back and change a few things

To pardon him of this dead love grief.


ANTHONY GEDELL writes from New Jersey publishing in Hobart, Poverty House, Variant, Revolution John, Punk Noir Magazine, and Bull. His debut novel, Love Lies in the Throes of Rhetoric, is slated for release soon with Michael Dolan at Winding Road Stories.


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