I wish I'd read more Elmore Leonard when I was a younger man. I didn't start reading him until I was in my mid to late thirties. Sadly, I...
Death by a Thousand Cuts/Mark Rogers
Photo of Devon Rogers by Mark Rogers This is circa 2025 or so. In New Jersey: The last day before I was due to return to LA, I’d...
A Math Teacher Writes / François Bereaud
It’s a week into the start of a new semester and my brain is muddled. Somehow, I’ve been teaching on my community college campus for...
We Scream Over Rooftops / Mileva Anastasiadou
Nobody hears, so we yell at each other and we make noise and we’re loud, and we fight when we drive, when we go shopping, when we eat...
Okra and Other Burdens / Dan Russell
The waiting room felt like a graveyard for lost souls. Jack sat in a plastic chair, feeling like a statue carved from resentment and...
The Circle/Mark Rogers
Photo Mark Rogers I grew up in a post-WWII suburb in Falls Church, Virginia. My first school was Sleepy Hollow Elementary School. Every...
Dead Love Grief / Anthony Gedell
Long past due One final note Instead a long poem is at hand Read roaming the country to every audience with her name on it The way Milton...